Paint Corrections

Unveiling the Full Potential of your Paint

Whether you've acquired a new or a used car, we bring out the full potential of the paint. Dealer deliveries often prioritize speed and may not achieve optimal results. Additionally, the expertise to deliver the paint in the best condition is not always present. Used cars have weathered numerous challenges, reflecting in the paint quality.

This is where we step in. From sanding to polishing, we explore suitable methods to achieve an optimal outcome. We make it our mission to intimately understand your car inside and out. The unique way you utilize your car makes it special. Similarly, the car's origin adds to its uniqueness. This is especially evident in the paint, which exhibits distinct characteristics for every automaker. We possess the knowledge and experience of all these paint types and precisely understand how to work with them. In this realm, we offer three levels of paint correction.

60 Percent Paint Correction

Achieving a 60 percent car paint restoration is accomplished through polishing with a fine polishing compound. A single step, resulting in a paint correction that enhances the shine.

90 Percent Paint Correction

Through a two-step polishing process, we restore the car's paint to approximately 90 percent. This treatment starts with a coarse polishing compound to locally buff paint defects. Subsequently, we employ a fine polishing compound for an added boost of gloss.

100 Percent Paint Correction

The ultimate paint correction often involves repainting. Parts that are extensively damaged undergo a new paint application. Following this, we sand down the paint structure and proceed to polish it in multiple steps. The result is a reflection akin to gazing into a mirror. After this ingenious treatment, your car would befit any 'Concours d'Elegance'.

The Concours d'Elegance at Paleis Soestdijk is the most prestigious competition in the Netherlands. Lapaire Autospa takes immense pride in being a three-time winner of this event.

Paint Corrections

Starting at €450,- excl. VAT

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How can we help?

Valet service

Lapaire Autospa operates throughout Europe

It doesn't matter if you're at home, in your holiday-house in Malaga or at the office; we'll gladly pick up your car. With our enclosed Brian James trailer and certified chauffeur we guarantee safe and discreet transportation.

  • Enclosed transportation
  • No strangers driving your vehicle
  • No exposure to the elements
  • No unnecessary miles driven

Lapaire Autospa is our regular detailing partner. After 10 years of working together, we can still blindly trust them to keep promises, ensure quality and think ahead about our needs. Because they are true all-rounders, Lapaire Autospa is the ideal one-stop shop for our cars.

Ingo van Dijk, CEO of VDM-Cars

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